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Eunjung Alice Lee
Multifaceted Role of Retrotransposons in Human Cancer
Elinor Thompson
Behind the scenes - small tutorial group to help improve your science-related talks
Clara Montagut / Vanesa Nogales
Dones en Valor del 2024
Saúl Ares
Modeling biological growth and pattern formation
Jorge Morales Álvarez
Programa de Atención al Paciente Crítico Complejo Interhospitalario de Catalunya 4 años de Implantació
Jornada de Portes Obertes del PRBB
OpenPRBB 2024
Xavier Altafaj
Comprehensive delineation and precision medicine of GRIN-related neurodevelopmental disorders, a primary disturbance of the NMDA receptor
Dora Cserbik
Exposure to disinfection by-products and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Barcelona’s drinking water and associations with early life outcomes
Sergi Beneyto Calabuig
Investigating cellular hierarchies in acute myeloid leukemia using single-cell genomics
Sara Verstraeten
Inspiring sustainability through engagement
Sara Raquel Santana
Understanding the role of NK cells in the therapeutic efficacy of anti-HER2 antibodies in breast cancer
CatCat Day & SCB
Fernando Gallego
Técnicas actorales para la comunicación científica
Silvia Bonás
The polygenic architecture of the insulin secretory function provides biological insights into type 2 diabetes aetiology
Carlo Efisio Marras
Neuromodulation for epilepsy surgery; comparision of multiple approaches and clinical perspective
Henry Marsh
Their lives in our hands
Esther González López
Nuevas terapias para las enfermedades de depósito
Oleguer Plana-Ripoll
Comorbidity, premature mortality, and social inequalities related to mental disorders: evidence from register-based studies from Denmark
Roser Pinyol
Interview and job application skills in science
Alessio Bolognesi
Scientific Publishing Innovation at eLife
Edouard Hanezzo
Robustness of morphogenesis via mechanical feedbacks
Gabriel Serra-Mir
Lcor nanomedicine to induce tumor immunity and immunotherapy response in breast cancer
POSPONED UNTIL NOV 13!! Bridging Academia, Industry, and Innovation across Europe
Nataša Pržulj
Mining Multi-Omics by New AI Algorithms to Enable Precision Medicine
Yannick Alexandre
Splenic fibroblasts and the control of antiviral immunity
Guillermo Nevot Sánchez
Synthetic biology for microbiome-based genetic domestication of the skin and the sea
Gisela Teixido Tura
Novetats de les guies europees de patologia aòrtica 2024
Carlos Chaccour
BOHEMIA trials: mass drug administration with ivermectin to reduce malaria transmission
Jose Luis Molinuevo
Revised criteria for diagnosis and staging of Alzheimer's disease: the story behind
Xiangpeng Guo
A multiscale spatiotemporal map of protein-RNA assemblies in human cells
François Nédélec
Simple Chromosome Partitioning Mechanisms and a Mitotic Spindle
Jordi Ibáñez
Clinical preconditioning and intermitent hypoxia
Emmanuelle Charpentier
Acte d'investidura com a doctora honoris causa per la UPF
Romain Levayer
Toward a predictive understanding of cell death: from collective effects, competiton and single cell decision
Susanne Van Den Brink
Haemogenic and Intermediate gastruloids: Novel tools to study the embryonic haematopoietic niches in vitro
Rodrigo Quian Quiroga / Susana Escudero Martín
¿Por qué olvidamos o recordamos?
Louise Schubert
Difficult conversations in research: how to make them easier
Mario Cáceres / Lorenzo Pasquali
Resolving the complexity of the human genome: one inversion at a time / T1D susceptibility and beta cell noncoding functions
Mathys Grapotte
To be determined
Stefan Diez
Emergence of directional reversals and torsional forces in cytoskeletal motor systems
Claudia Serrano Colomé
Somatic and germline mutational processes and the evolution of cancer driver genes
Paula Alepuz / Jeffrey Chao / Asier González
Barcelona RNA club
Jill Baumgartner
How do household energy policies work? Using quasi-experimental designs to investigate the health impacts of Beijing’s clean heating policy.
Irene Miguel-Aliaga
The sex and geometry of organs
Modelling Biology Across Scales
Collaboratorium Annual Symposium
Miriam Bayés
Dealing with burnout, the XXI century epidemic in science and beyond
Valerie Matarese
Introduction to effective biomedical writing
PRBB Inside Tours
Descobreix els secrets de l'edifici del PRBB i aprèn a connectar amb la nostra comunitat
“Artificial Intelligence and Ethics, the Big Wave”
Tamara Iungman
Urban heat islands and nature based solutions: insights into health impacts and urban planning determinants
PRBB Inside Tours
Uncover the secrets of the PRBB building and learn how to connect with our community
Thiago Carvalho and David del Álamo Rodríguez
"AI and scientific writing"
Elias Adriaenssens
Protection of mitochondrial homeostasis by chaperones and autophagic pathways”
Min Goo Lee
ER-phagy Receptors and the Unconventional Secretion of Transmembrane Proteins
Arantza Danes & José Manuel Toledano
The art of negotiation in science
Oliver Rando
Environmental control of the mouse sperm epigenome
Alicia Marín Muniesa
Self-Leadership for daily challenges in science: A hands-on workshop
Louise Schubert
Working in the world of science: how to manage self and build resilience
Louise Schubert
Working in the world of science: how to manage self and build resilience
Thiago Carvalho & David del Álamo
Building your story: how to write a narrative scientific CV
Marina Álvarez & Jaume Fatjó
Principles of scientific data visualization and creating great visual aids
David McCandlish
To be determined