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Felipe Bisbal
Ablación de la fibrilación auricular: Más allá del aislamiento de venas pulmonares
Francisco Parrilla Gómez
Uso de los cambios en el soporte ventilatorio no invasivo durante la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda hipoxémica
Marcelo Guerin
Sculpting therapeutic monoclonal antibody N-glycans using endoglycosidases
Monica Ubalde / Carmen Peuters
The proGIreg project: Assessing health, wellbeing benefits and use of public space of implemented nature-based solutions in post-industrial cities
Jeff Rogers
Comparative genomics of Old and New World monkeys: Insights into their evolution and applications to biomedical research
Martina Lupia
Utilización de las prestaciones sociales durante el embarazo, un estudio de cohorte en cuatro empresas
Alicia Calvo i Jaume Marrugat
El cor, al centre del sistema cardiovascular i de la societat
David Oupický
Developing strategies for locoregional delivery of therapeutic RNA in pancreatic cancer and lung fibrosis
Marianna Spatola
Pathogenic mechanisms of neuronal antibodies in brain autoimmunity
Susanna Diez
Gestión del estrés para profesionales de investigación
Verónica Rodilla
Redefining the Triple-Negative Breast Cancer subtype
Ivan Milenkovic
Ribosome heterogeneity: biological relevance and translational applications
Jordi Soriano
The fascinating world of in vitro neuronal cultures: complex networks, engineering, and biological computation
Livia Condemi
Role of Polycomb-like proteins in mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation
Claudia Vasallo
Javier Limeres Freire
Novedades terapéuticas farmacológicas en miocardiopatía hipertrófica
Dones en ciència, un món de possibilitats
Taula rodona
Araceli Bergadà Martínez
Cognitive and synaptic outcomes of targeting peripheral cannabinoid type-1 receptor: focus on naïve and intellectual disability mouse models
Adrian Bracken
Interplay between PRC2 subcomplexes and canonical PRC1 in Development and Disease
Kurt Straif / Laura Chica
Climate and Health at COP28: takeaways, research and advocacy opportunities for ISGlobal
Jose Miguel Serradell Noguera
Demographic indeference in complex populations: the Noth African case.
Gonzalo García de Castro
Bilingual Insights into the Initial Lexicon: The Role of Cognates in Word Acquisition
Joan Vime i Montse Fitó
Com cuidar les nostres artèries
Roni Wright
Time management in science: how to stop procrastinating and get the things done
Elinor Thompson
Behind the scenes - small tutorial group to help improve your science talks Aim
Rodrigo Quian Quiroga
Cosas que nunca creeríais: De la ciencia ficción a la neurociencia
Marisa Maliaño
¿Son machistas los microbios? Del origen de la vida al ecofeminismo
Ben Towbin
Growth control from cells to organisms
Robert Castelo
In Memoriam: the research work of Bea Calvo
Oriol Rodríguez
Papel de la denervación renal en las nuevas guías de Hipertensión arterial
Lluc Cabús Fornas
Analysis of circulating RNAs for the early detection of complex diseases using liquid biopsy
Douglas Black
Alternative splicing regulation through interactions with the U2 snRNP
Kristina Withworth
Susceptible windows of exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and neurodevelopmental outcomes among children in INMA
Coordinadora Down Catalunya i l’Hospital del Mar Research Institute (Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona)
La setmana de la síndrome de Down
Carlo Maley
The Evolution of Cancer Suppression Across Species
Nuria Ribas
Estic patint un infart o una angina de pit? Què haig de fer?
Alicia Marin Muniesa
Cross-cultural working: understanding cultural differences and maximizing diversity in science
Pierre Bercier
How does arsenic cure acute promyelocytic leukemia ?
Daniel Guinart
Proves adaptatives computeritzades per mesurar símptomes psicòtics
Mireia Vallès i Tomàs Marquès
Entendre la biodiversitat del planeta: dels primats al microbioma
Noor Youssef
Protein design for future proof vaccines
Patricia Herrero / Raúl Peña
Abrogation of Notch signaling induces a quiescent state in fetal hematopoietic stem cells / A virus, a transition, a sarcoma, and a few other mesenchymal cells…
Edurne Arriola
NGS para el estudio de biomarcadores en cáncer de pulmón
Thiago Carvalho & David del Álamo
Building your story: how to write a narrative scientific CV
Hospital del Mar as a Partner in Your European Journey
Jordi Mestres
An AI Engine for Deep Drug Discovery
Anna Delgado
Decoding the epitranscriptomic complexity through computational methods based on long-read sequencing
Dani del Toro & Albert Giralt
Tight control of in vivo reprogramming: New avenues for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias?
Anamaria Elek
Gene regulatory specification of cell types in a non-bilaterian organism
Nathalie Allegra Faye Sondermann
Development of a low input chromatin profiling technique to examine the role of PRC2 proteins in development and leukaemia
Rut Andrea Riba
Estudio SECURE y Reducción del Número de Comprimidos en Prevención Secundaria
Davide Rasella
To be determined
Kivanç Birsoy
Understanding the role of oxidative metabolism in physiology and cancer
Donald C. Rio
Neurodegenerative Diseases, RNA Binding Proteins and Alternative pre-mRNA Splicing
Alexei A. Aravin
Evolutionary innovations in the piRNA pathway
Arantza Danes & José Manuel Toledano
The art of negotiation in science
Oliver Rando
Environmental control of the mouse sperm epigenome
Alicia Marín Muniesa
Self-Leadership for daily challenges in science: A hands-on workshop
Louise Schubert
Working in the world of science: how to manage self and build resilience
David McCandlish
To be determined